Agrivet has a state-of-the-art Laboratory Service for the livestock industry of the agroclimatic zone of eastern and north eastern India to address the increasing demand of precision formulation, healthcare and management
Equipment | Brand | Model |
Anaerobic Chamber | Himedia | Mark V1 |
Analytical Precision Balance | Wenser | HPB 201 |
Analytical Precision Balance | Wensar | PGB 200 |
Analytical Precision Balance | Radwag | PS 6100.R2.M |
Analytical Precision Balance | Radwag | PS 6100.R2.M |
Analytical Precision Balance | Mettler Toledo | NG 8423 |
Aseptic Chamber | Instrumentation India | - |
Autoclave | Labquip | - |
Autoclave | Allied | - |
Automatic Bottle Top Burette | Titrette | DE-M |
Automatic Sieve Shaker & Sieves | Electrolab | EMS-8 |
BOD Incubator | Labquip | 9801 |
Centrifuge – Large | Remi | R 8C |
Centrifuge – Refrigerated | Eppendorf | 5430R |
Centrifuge - Small | Remi | RM 12C |
Digital Colony counter | Labtronic | LT-36 |
Digital Conductivity meter | Labtronic | LT-26 |
Digital Egg Tester | NABEL | DET 6500 |
Digital pH Meter | Global | DPH 507 |
Digital pH Meter | Labman | - |
Digital pH Meter | Labtronic | LT-50 |
Digital pH Meter | Eutech | PH Tutor |
Digital Trinocular Microscope& Camera | Dewinter | DIGI1000(USB 3.0) |
Digital Trinocular Microscope& Camera | Coslab | HL-32 LED |
Digital Water Bath | Benchmark Scientific | B2000-4 |
Distillation Unit | Som Scientific | - |
Double Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer | Systonic | S-919 |
Double Distillation Unit | Borosil | 3362 |
ELISA Reader | Bio Tek, USA | 800 TS |
Ether Extract system | Som Scientific | - |
Fibertherm (Automated fibre analysis) | Gerhardt | EV 1 |
Gradient PCR (Thermal Cycler) | Bio-Rad | T100 |
Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis Unit | Bio-Rad | Mini-Sub Cell GT |
Hot Air Oven | Som Scientific | - |
Hot Air Oven | Labquip | - |
Hot Air Oven | Cintex | CIC-15 |
Hot Plate | Som Scientific | - |
Hot plate | Labquip | - |
Incubator - Large | Labpro | - |
Incubator - Small | Romer labs | EQASR - 1500 |
IR Moisture Analyzer | Radwag | MA 50.R.WH |
Laminar Air Flow | Labquip | Type I |
Magnetic Stirrer | Remi | 2-MLH |
Magnetic Stirrer | Remi | 2-MLH |
Micro Pipettes | Eppendorf, Thermo, Tarson, Clindiag, Vertex | - |
Muffle Furnace | Som Scientific | - |
Muffle Furnace | Cintex | CIC-106 |
NIRS Analyzer | Foss | DS 2500 |
NIRS Analyzer | Foss | DS 2500 |
NIRS Sample Grinder | Foss | CT 293 Cyclotec |
Pellet Durability Tester | Tekpro - Holmen | NHP 200 |
Pellet Hardness Tester | Kahl | K6432-0054 |
Photo-Colorimeter | Som Scientific | Model-312 |
Semi Auto Biochemical Analyzer | Rayto | RT - 9200 |
Soxtherm (Automatic Fat analysis unit) | Gerhardt | SOX 414 |
Tissue Homogenizer | Cole-Parmer Scientific Experts | Labgen 125:TH2 |
Toxin Analyzer | Romer Lab | Agra Vision |
Toxin Analyzer | Trouw Nutrition | Myco Master |
Turbotherm (Protein digestion Unit) | Gerhardt, Germany | TT M |
UV Transilluminator | Accuris, Benchmark Scientific, USA | E3000 |
Vapodest (Protein Kjeldhal Distillation) | Gerhardt | VAP 200 |
Vertical Freezer -20° C, 600 Litre | Celfrost, India | GN 600 BTM |
Vertical Freezer -86° C, 410 Litre | Eppendorf, Germany | U410 |
Vertical Refrigerator – Large | BPL, India | BRS 564H |
Vertical Refrigerator – Small | Haier, India | HRD 1954C |
Vertical Refrigerator – Large | BPL, India | BRS 564H |
Vertical Refrigerator – Small | Haier, India | HRD 1954C |
Viscometer | Ametek Brookfield, USA | Rheocalc - T- LVDVNX |
Vortex | Benchmark Scientific, USA | BV 1003 |
Vortex | Remi, India | CM101 |
Vortex | Remi, India | CM101 |
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