Agrivet Advisory has a team of in-house technical experts and professionals with hands-on experience to
provide technical consultancy in different areas.
1. Animal Feed Formulation & Nutrition
This is the core area of expertise for Agrivet. Agrivet is a trend setter in eastern India to
popularize “Nutrition for All” concept wherein the company directly involves the feed millers,
integrators and business owners in regular formulation and assists them to understand the true
meaning of “Nutrition” which was previously not practiced. This is achieved by:
Providing complete feed manufacturing, nutritional and technical support functions
pertaining to commercial poultry feed manufacturing.
Providing the least cost poultry feed formulation considering the quality of the
finished products and economics of the company based on availability of raw materials,
seasonal variation, sales and purchase prices and relevant parameters.
Assisting the feed manufacturer towards sourcing of raw materials, handling, storage
(warehouse management) and quality control of raw materials as well as quality assurance
of finished goods.
And through continuous evaluation of the commercial feed manufacturing operations in
terms of output quality and economic viability of the operations.
2. Poultry Breeding Operations & Management
In this changing world, practices of poultry breeding have also been modified as per the global
standards. For an entrepreneur involved in poultry breeding business, keeping pace with these
transformations is a matter of paramount challenge. With the help of the expertise developed in
last 15 years, Agrivet team is successfully working in the fields of:
Breeder Management and health
Developing Standard
Operating Procedures based on clients need to maximize the efficiency of a breeding farm
Personnel training
to identify action areas through interpretation of production
customised feeding schedules, allowance and adjustments, to maximize
production efficiency.
Breeder Health
Biosecurity is the
key in any breeding farm operation. Our focus in this area remains
on the following:
Developing an
effective and customized SOP to prevent possible breaches in biosecurity
protocol and Schedule for Shed, Equipment and consumables including
Fumigation of house and Equipment sanitation.
schedule – control checks for vaccine preparation, administration and
Water medication –
Routine/Preventive and Therapeutic. Guidelines for Water Quality
check and supply.
Egg Hygiene –
Sanitation for Collection and Storage.
3. Hatchery Management
Hatchery management in the Indian subcontinent has reformed to a great extent. With increase in
contract broiler farming, Improved hatchery management has become an integral part of poultry
business. Agrivet team works in the following areas:
Hatching Egg Management Hatching egg receipt | Grading of
hatching eggs | Sanitation of hatching eggs | Storing of hatching eggs | Effect of egg
Hatching Egg Setting Management Holding of hatching eggs
| Preheating of eggs | Setting time
Incubator / Setter Management Setter temperature control
| Ventilation | Humidity | Turning | Setter room environment | Loading the
Transfer of Eggs - Transfer room environment
Hatcher Management Hatcher temperature control | Humidity
| Ventilation | Hatcher room environment | The hatch window
Chick Pull-out & Processing Handling & Sorting of chicks
| Holding of chicks
Chick Quality - Pasgar score | Chick length | Chick size
Transportation of Chicks
Hatchery Waste
Hygiene Factors for maintenance of Hatchery
hygiene | Cleaning and Sanitation programme | Hatchery microbiological monitoring
Maintenance of
Machine Maintenance of Setter & Hatcher |
Setter & Hatcher calibration | Maintenance of Hatchery ancillary equipment | Standard
Hatchery maintenance programme
Hatchery Performance
Monitoring Checklist
4. Feed Processing and Production Technology
In modern poultry management, application of latest processing and production technology has
been identified as one of the foremost critical point. Starting from particle size distribution
to optimization of power consumption and implementation of GMP to effect on environment… the
subject has become really crucial for sustenance. Role of Agrivet are:
Customized Feed
Milling SOP preparation and implementation of the SOP
Revamping the
existing QA and QC process through introduction and implementation of
the process / on-line QC measures
Feed Mill Process
management including Plant inspection, Plant maintenance schedule,
Machine spare, Quality report, QC activity, Tool list, System followed at factory before
production, Spare life record (pellet mill die/press roll shell/beaters/hammer mill
planning and capacity optimization
Standardization of
Premixing operation
Energy Management,
Boiler Management, Housekeeping, Sanitation and Pest Control, Raw
material stock management
5. Feed Plant and Farm Process Audits
Feed Mill Audit
Agrivet Feed mill audit is a systematic and independent examination to determine the adherence
and compliance of feed mill activities with standard operating procedures. The audit process
involves an onsite visit to the feed mill by our skilled professionals for the following check
Feed formulation
Feed production –
Grinding, Mixing and Pelleting
Boiler and steam
quality audit
Feed mill
Quality standards
for raw materials and finished feed.
Sampling method
and procedures
Feed safety
Farm Audit
Broiler, Layer and Breeding farms are prone to become complacence over time. Its imperative to
keep the vigilance in the form of a regular external audit to ensure best farming practices are
followed. The following points are key contributors for a healthy farm management.
Management Areas
Record keeping
Health Areas
Usage of medicines
and vaccines
process and cold chain maintenance
Biosecurity Area
Cleaning the shed
before placement
6. Sourcing of Raw Materials & other Inputs
Profitability of poultry production is dependent on balanced feed and the quality of balanced
feed is exclusively dependent on the ingredients. With the help of extensive crop research and
subsequent analysis on crop production, Agrivet helps its clients in sourcing best quality of
ingredients at the right time with right price. Agrivet helps in below ingredients:
Grains |
Corn, Bajra, Wheat, Broken Rice etc. |
De-oiled Cake |
Soybean, Mustard, Rapeseed, Sunflower, Til, Cotton Seed |
Meals |
Fish Meal |
Others |
Rice bran, Rice polish, Wheat bran |
7. Raw Material Inspection Service
In Livestock business, the most expensive input is Feed. A good feed, at a reasonable cost can
only be produced if the major Raw Materials are procured as per the required quality standard.
It was observed that the end user is not getting the desired quality as per the price paid to
the supplier for the ingredients. The suppliers are also getting affected at the field level
during procurement of the Raw Materials as these are agricultural products and the qualitative
variation is inevitable.
To bridge this gap between the end user and the supplier, Agrivet has formed a highly skilled
and dedicated team for on field Raw Material Inspection service. On demand of the buyer, Agrivet
deploy the inspection team at source before the same gets loaded in sheep, vessel, railway
wagons or trucks. On fulfilment of agreed quality terms and satisfactory recommendation by
Agrivet team, the materials get loaded for the feed mill.
Agrivet team ensures:
Selection of
acceptable quality material
Inspection at the stock point or point of loading for moisture and other
conditions as per standard trade terms (as agreed between buyer and seller).
Ensuring loading
of material according to Agreed Quality Specifications, from the
loading point by implementing stringent precautionary measures.
In case of Soya
/Rapeseed/Mustard DOC, DORB and other by-products, Plant Audit prior
to shipment will be carried out.
Ensuring the same
material is getting shipped which was inspected and loaded from the
Warehouse/loading point.
Rejecting poor
quality/out of specification material and enforcing strict measures to
protect the interest of the buyer.
Physical presence
at the time of wagon loading and sealing along with the surveyor and
working in close cooperation with the Official Surveyor.
confirmation of the material in the shipment as per Railway Receipt.
Liaisoning with
the Exporter and keeping actual information about railway rake
placement at Loading and transhipment points.
Tracking the
actual weight of the material in the shipment.
Confirmation of
Vehicle details
Monitoring the
standard transhipment procedures.
8. Quality Control and Assurance of Raw Materials
Time is precious especially when it comes to a decision making. Decision of using diverse raw
materials with variable quality at different inclusion level in various feed… At this point
comes the Agrivet QA & QC service that gives you real time analysis of each and every ingredient
commonly used in livestock feed industry. On arrival of an ingredient at the client’s factory,
pooled sample will be drawn and sent to Agrivet Laboratories. Within 2 hours of receiving the
material, the detailed analysis report will reach the client through any of the electronic
medium. On receipt of the detailed analysis report, the nutritionist can use the precise matrix
for formulation. This will enable a feed manufacturer to a substantial savings by finetuning the
inclusion level of every ingredient.
To bridge this gap between the end user and the supplier, Agrivet has formed a highly skilled
and dedicated team for on field Raw Material Inspection service. On demand of the buyer, Agrivet
deploy the inspection team at source before the same gets loaded in sheep, vessel, railway
wagons or trucks. On fulfilment of agreed quality terms and satisfactory recommendation by
Agrivet team, the materials get loaded for the feed mill.
Agrivet team ensures:
Selection of
acceptable quality material
Inspection at the stock point or point of loading for moisture and other
conditions as per standard trade terms (as agreed between buyer and seller).
Ensuring loading
of material according to Agreed Quality Specifications, from the
loading point by implementing stringent precautionary measures.
In case of Soya
/Rapeseed/Mustard DOC, DORB and other by-products, Plant Audit prior
to shipment will be carried out.
Ensuring the same
material is getting shipped which was inspected and loaded from the
Warehouse/loading point.
Rejecting poor
quality/out of specification material and enforcing strict measures to
protect the interest of the buyer.
Physical presence
at the time of wagon loading and sealing along with the surveyor and
working in close cooperation with the Official Surveyor.
confirmation of the material in the shipment as per Railway Receipt.
Liaisoning with
the Exporter and keeping actual information about railway rake
placement at Loading and transhipment points.
Tracking the
actual weight of the material in the shipment.
Confirmation of
Vehicle details
Monitoring the
standard transhipment procedures.
9. R&D and QC Set-up Implementation Services
Creating the R&D Setup for clients
With its learning experience over the past years, Agrivet started encouraging its clients to set
up their own research facilities at their own agroclimatic zones. The in-house R&D facility
plays an instrumental role in determining the actual potential of a finished product that gets
sold in the market. The other advantages are evaluation of own products with competitors,
experimenting new formulations, exploration with unconventional ingredients etc. Agrivet takes
active part in creating the R&D Setup for our clients by:
Creating the R&D Setup for our clients
and planning of a composite in-house R&D facility.
R&D Farm
operations – inputs in market research and strategy.
Detailing the
site plan and floor layout of the total farm area.
Advice about
detailed Shed Design and other civil works pertaining to state-of-the-art
Biosecurity measures and operational ease.
Advise about
electrical requirement, floor illumination fixtures, wiring and power
Identification of
sound manufacturers and/or Contractors for the Civil Construction,
Poultry Sheds, Cages, Feeding System and other Plant and Machinery, if the management of
Anmol Feed requires so.
discussion with the identified manufacturer about the feasibility and
understanding deliverables from our end.
Advice and
planning about requirements of Skilled, Semi-Skilled and Unskilled
Training and
evaluation of field technical staff will be carried out once in 6
supervision and Monitoring during execution of the project.
Setting Up Laboratories for our clients
Setting Up basic laboratories for our clients and utilising the facility in regular quality
monitoring has been a regular practice of Agrivet Consultancy. Experts from Agrivet are always
available for:
Setting Up Laboratories for our clients
Supervision of
in-house Laboratory activities to monitor RM and FP quality on a
periodical basis.
Streamlining the
Laboratory activities towards implementation of stringent quality
control measures.
Preparation of
Test Protocol based on the specific requirement of the client.
of Laboratory procedures and techniques.
Supervision on
quality parameters of Raw Materials and Finished Products.
Raw material
proximate analysis for matrix standardization.
Training of
in-house laboratory technician as and when required.
10. Conceptualization & implementation of Turn-key projects
Indian economy is agriculture dependant. With increasing population and limitation in land
holding, livestock farming has emerged as the best alternative to traditional farming to supply
food to the nation and in terms of employment generation. Agrivet Consultancy has successfully
nurtured the dreams of livestock entrepreneurs by providing technical advice and every
additional support that is necessary to become a successful livestock business owner. The key
support areas provided by Agrivet are:
Selection of Site
- Site Selection for the project, visit the shortlisted sites and share our views about
the same for final decision making.
Preparation of Bankable Detailed Project Report
Portraying the
entire Project including Technical Feasibility and Technical
Detail planning
of Marketability & Viability
Expected Output &
Financials of the
project and financial analysis
Bankable format
Execution and Supervision during construction phase
Coordination and
execution of the entire Project
Planning of the
batch size and flock placement according to the need.
Detail floor
plan and layout of the total Farm area including sheds, Staff quarter,
Feed plant and Warehouse designing.
Advise about
detailed Shed Design and other civil work.
Advise about
electrical requirement, floor illumination fixtures, wiring and power
Advise about
proper cage structure and related work.
Searching and
Identification of sound manufacturer for the cage and complete feed
plant and machinery.
Technical audit
and facilitation in final decision-making process.
discussion with the identified manufacturer about the feasibility and
understanding deliverables from our end.
Price quotation,
Negotiation, Order finalization, setting up financial terms and
condition and Finalization of construction period.
Advise about
requirements of Skilled, Semi-Skilled and unskilled manpower.
Execution of
Biosecurity measures with an objective to strengthen Biosecurity of the
Technical Consultancy to successfully run a Project
guidance in day to day operation and successful running of the
Evaluation of
Commercial Layer Farming operations in terms of output quality and
economic viability of the operations.
11. Technical Consultancy in Product Development for Animal Feed
As an integral part of the livestock industry, Agrivet works with many national and multinational
organizations in the fields of product development and related areas. Working as a research
organization and consultancy provider, Agrivet takes active part in conceptualizing new
hypothesis and works extensively with different organizations as collaborative research partner.
Agrivet provides:
Product Profiling:
Positioning of
products and solutions.
Feed formulation
and other technical support throughout the operational area of
Identify key
industry issues & develop strategies & services to troubleshoot those
using client’s solutions.
Inputs in new
product development.
Compilation of
existing research data to exploit highest product potential.
Future research
planning in generation of further data as proof of product
Laboratory services:
Utilization of
existing laboratory in a more customer service-related activity.
Addition of
tasting parameters as per the industry need.
Research & Development, publication:
Guidance on
protocol designing, experiment conduction and data analysis for the
in-house and outsourced research.
Present research
data in scientific conferences and company conducted seminars.
Inputs and
guidance in publication of research paper in international journals.
Training and resource upgradation:
training to technical team, sales personnel, distributor & customers on
technical aspects of products.
Hands on
practical demonstration on production, farming practices and feed
12. Dairy and Milk production
Indian dairy industry is contributor to economic growth and a source of livelihood for the common
people. Due to huge livestock population, the total milk production of India might look
lucrative. But the per animal productivity has huge scope of improvement. To address this issue,
Agrivet has started the consultancy services to the small and mid size dairy farms in the
following areas:
Nutritional management:
complete Dairy Feed Manufacturing, Nutritional and technical support
functions pertaining to Commercial Dairy operation.
Providing best
least cost dairy feed formulation considering the quality of the
finished products and economics of the company based on availability of Raw Materials,
Seasonal variation, sales and purchase price and other important parameters related to
Dairy Feed Manufacturing.
Design of
appropriate feeding schedule involving concentrate, roughages and green
Setting up all
standard processes related to Procurement, Batching, Stacking, Stock
Keeping, FIFO protocol etc.
Support in
sourcing of different Raw Materials and Feed additives from different
suppliers as and when required.
Supervision on
quality parameters of Raw Materials and Finished Products.
Support with
Agrivet’s in-house Laboratory facility to monitor RM and FP quality on a
periodical basis.
Breeding management:
Proper planning
for “AI” based on the optimum utilization of available
regarding sourcing of frozen semen from domestic and international suppliers
to maximize the milk production in consecutive lactations inside the farm.
Health management:
measures for the lactating cattle to maximize the milk yield.
Management of Calf and Heifers.
programme design and implementation.
Screening of
infectious diseases and other production issues related to health
Water and feed
management of the animals based on their present life cycle.
Planning and
implementation of advanced biosecurity measures to be incorporated in the
regular day to day operation of the farm.
13. Aquaculture
Fisheries in India is a very important economic activity and a flourishing sector with varied
resources and potentials. India is one of the countries on the forefront of global fish
production, only after China. Besides meeting the domestic needs, the dependence of over 14.5
million people on fisheries activities and export of aquaculture products from India has
established aquaculture as the next important activity to livestock farming. Presently, the
country ranks second in the world in total fish production with an annual fish production of
about 9.06 million metric tonnes. In line with the trend, Agrivet has also gathered its
expertise and started working in this sector. Nutrition, Farming, R&D and other areas of
freshwater and brackish water aquaculture are the major areas where Agrivet is taking active